The Truth

Many people are seeking their version of the truth. The common belief is that the truth cannot be where you are or related to what you think you are doing. Yet the Truth is widely sought as a pointer to peace of mind, the end of restlessness and it cannot be explained in words. 

Intuit the truth is not based on beliefs. A group of people can agree and form a conspiracy based on false beliefs where they all agree to tell the same false story, but it does not make their assumption true. Realize the Truth does not have to be uplifting. A sense of adversity, trauma or tragedy can also be valid. Accept the Truth is not necessarily based on views of majority Fifty-one percent or more of a group can be brainwashed, conditioned to reach a wrong conclusion.

Grasp the Truth cannot be understood in the mind. A lengthy, detailed presentation can still result in a false conclusion. Recognize the Truth is not defined by intention, Intentions are expressions of the mind and can be wrong.Sense that Truth is not how we know Truth is not an opinion but a knowing of what we feel.

Get that Truth is not simply a possibility. Truth is not something to contemplate. Its felt beyond shadow of a doubt. Discern the Truth is not externally- provable A truth can be privately known (an internal revelation that cannot be shared in words) Truth is not something that changes. Lies can appear static but they are still lies and not the truth.

eHowtwo 2018