By Accident

eHowtwo 2024 

Stronger Than You Know

In the depths of adversity, remember that you have already overcome so much. You are capable of facing anything that comes your way. Just like a storm passes and rain stops the sun eventually shines again, your tough times will also come to an end. Brighter days are on the horizon. Life’s journey is a mosaic of experiences, both good and bad. Embrace each moment, for even struggles contribute to your growth, resilience, and wisdom.

Reflect on your track record of resilience. You have faced difficult times before and emerged stronger. Believe in yourself and your ability to conquer challenges. No matter how difficult things may seem, remind yourself that the present situation is temporary. Time has a way of healing and changing circumstances. Hold on, for a new chapter is on its way. Regardless of the situation, remember that you are worthy and deserving of love, happiness, and success. You are enough just as you are, and you have the strength to create a beautiful future for yourself. 

No matter what you’ve been through, it’s not who you are, but how you’ve overcome it that defines you. Your past is a lesson, not a life sentence. Remember, there’s only one you in this world, and that in itself is your power. You have a unique blend of qualities, talents, and experiences that make you incredibly valuable.

eHowtwo 2024 


Words Of Advice

In life, there are moments of joy, challenges, and everything in between. It’s easy to get caught up in the rush, the pursuit of success, and the desire for more. But here’s a gentle reminder: savor. Savor the simple moments, the laughter with friends, the warmth of a cup of tea, and the beauty of a quiet morning. In the pursuit of your dreams, don’t forget to savor the journey itself. It’s in these small, seemingly ordinary moments that life’s true treasures are found. Today it’s a gift.

In a world that often encourages us to keep up with the fast pace, remember the value of pause. Pause to breathe deeply, to reflect on your path, and to appreciate the beauty around you. It’s okay to slow down, to find stillness in a chaotic world. In those moments of pause, you’ll discover clarity, gratitude, and the wisdom to make meaningful choices. Life is not a sprint; it’s a journey meant to be savored. So, pause when needed, and let life’s rhythm guide you.

 Embrace the power of begin. Beginnings hold the magic of transformation. Every day is a fresh start, an opportunity to chase your dreams, and a chance to become the person you aspire to be. Don’t be afraid of starting over or trying something new. It’s in those bold beginnings that you uncover your strength and resilience. So, embrace the beauty of starting new, and let each beginning propel you towards greatness.

Believe in the power within you. Your potential knows no limits. No dream is too big, and no goal is too ambitious. The path to greatness may be challenging, but remember, every obstacle is a stepping stone, and every setback is a setup for a comeback. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you unleash a force that can move mountains. Embrace your journey with determination and faith. You are a warrior, capable of achieving extraordinary feats.

Let fear be your compass, not your captor. Fear can be a powerful force, but it’s also a sign that you’re growing and changing. Don’t let it hold you back; let it propel you forward. Step out of your comfort zone, confront your fears, and you’ll discover strength and courage you never knew you had. Embrace the unknown, for it’s where your greatest achievements await. Remember, the magic happens outside your comfort zone.

Chase dreams with unrelenting passion. Your dreams are the compass of your soul, guiding you towards your purpose. Don’t just follow them; chase them with every ounce of your being. Along the way, you may encounter doubts and obstacles, but let them be mere footprints on the path to your aspirations. Remember, the most remarkable journeys start with a single step. So, take that step, believe in your dreams, and watch as they unfold into reality. You have the power to turn dreams into destiny.

Embrace change as your constant companion. Change is the canvas upon which your life’s masterpiece is painted. It may be unsettling at times, but it’s also the source of your growth and evolution. Don’t fear change; welcome it with open arms. Embrace the new opportunities, experiences, and lessons it brings. Remember, the winds of change can carry you to incredible destinations.

eHowtwo 2024


Trust The Process

Trusting in what’s coming is a mindset that encourages us to embrace the unknown with optimism, believing that the future holds opportunities, growth, and experiences that can enrich our lives. It’s about releasing fear and anxiety over the future. Think about it for a moment. If we knew every single detail of our future, where would be the fun in that? It’s the surprise and the unknown that add spice to our lives. So, when we talk about trusting in what’s coming, it’s all about embracing that uncertainty with open arms. Sure, it can be scary at times. We naturally crave security and stability. We want to know that everything will work out just the way we’ve planned. But let me tell you, life rarely sticks to our plans.

Trusting in what’s coming it’s about believing that no matter what happens, we have the strength and resilience to handle it. It’s also about recognizing that change is the only constant in life. Instead of fearing change, we can learn to embrace it. Change brings growth, new experiences, and opportunities we might never have imagined. Life can be tough, no doubt about it. But when we trust in what’s coming, we develop a kind of inner strength. We bounce back from setbacks, learn from our mistakes, and keep moving forward. Remember to trust in what’s coming. Have faith in your ability to handle whatever comes your way. And always, always keep that spark of optimism burning bright. Who knows what incredible adventures lie ahead ? Trust, and you’ll find out !

eHowtwo 2024

Self Development

Imagine a world where you wake up every morning with a spark of excitement crackling within you. It’s not just the anticipation of coffee or the thrill of a new day, it’s the deep-seated passion for evolving, growing, and becoming the best version of yourself. This, my friends, is the fire of self-development set ablaze, and it’s a fire that can transform every aspect of your life. Yet, for many of us, this spark lies dormant, buried beneath layers of doubt, fear, and routine. We get caught up in the daily grind, forgetting the immense potential that lies within. But what if I told you that igniting your passion for self-development is not some mystical feat, but a journey anyone can embark on? It all starts with a simple choice. Choose to step outside your comfort zone, question your limiting beliefs, and embrace the unknown. Take a moment to visualize your ideal self, the person you strive to be, the life you yearn to live.What skills do you need to acquire? What habits do you need to cultivate? What fears do you need to conquer? 
Now, don’t get overwhelmed by the mountain ahead. Self-development is not about scaling Everest in a single leap, it’s about taking small, consistent steps. Start with one tiny spark: pick up a new book, join a workshop, or simply dedicate 15 minutes a day to introspection. As you nourish these flames, they will grow, illuminating the path ahead. Remember, self-development is not a solo act. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in your potential and challenge you to reach for the stars. Find a mentor or coach who can guide you through the rough patches and celebrate your victories. Build a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for growth. And most importantly, be kind to yourself. This journey will have its ups and downs, moments of doubt, and periods of stagnation. Embrace the setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Remember, the most important flame is the one that keeps burning, even in the wind.

So, my friends, let’s spark our flames together. Let’s ignite a passion for self-development that illuminates our lives and lights the way for others. Let’s embrace the journey of becoming, step by step, flame by flickering flame. The world needs your unique light, so let it shine !

eHowtwo 2024