Think Your Way To Becoming A Millionaire

1. Choose To Be A Millionaire
Chances are millions of dollars are not going to magically fall out of the sky and into your bank account. You have to actually go out and make it happen; you have to choose to be a millionaire. Step one is to make the decision and then to develop a realistic and detailed plan of action.

2. Quiet Your Fears 
Fear and self-doubt are kryptonite to the wannabee millionaire, finding ways to quite your fears is crucial to reaching your financial goal. Shut down the voices that whisper nonsenses such as “you’re not good enough” or “it’s just a pipe dream”. Constant meditation, positive affirmations, faith and prayer can quite fears and get you moving.

3. Don’t Fake It, Live Modestly 
Faking it until you make it may work when you are trying to build your self-esteem, but doing so may work against you when you are trying to up your net worth. Buying cars and houses that you just cannot afford is not the way to get rich; all that does is make the next guy richer and puts you in debt. Living modestly now will pay off later. Do not buy extravagantly or live beyond your means, instead, buy only what you need and save your money for the future investments that may change your status.

4. Keep Your Eye On The Prize 
If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. You are now thinking like a millionaire, so settling for anything less just won’t do. The road to success may be a bumpy one, sprinkled with hardships, negatives, anger and frustration but you cannot give up, you do not know how to give up. Your eye is on the prize, you know you can do it, so keep reaching until you touch the stars.

5. Don’t Do It For The Money 
Being rich is awesome and all of that, but if you are working hard solely to achieve riches then that may work against you. Millionaires of today aren’t selfish, they are selfless entrepreneurs, athletes, entertainers and inventors who made their money by and to make a real positive difference. These money makers change lives with their products or with their words. They give back, help out and better their community. Thinking about how many lives you can change will turn your millionaire quest into a rewarding passion that inspires and encourages you to reach the unreachable.

6. Utilize Your Many Talents 
Many millionaires gain assets from a variety of portals, so without spreading yourself too thin, determine what your strengths and talents are figure out how you can use them to make money. For example; if you are good at fixing computers and making dresses then you can start freelancing out your services while you also sell your clothing at shows, auction houses and clothing stores.

7. Follow The Like Minded 
Think about it, if your goal is to lose weight, chances are that you will not be following the plump instructor that is munching on bacon and fries. It goes without saying that you will probably follow from the guy with the six pack abs and the envious gluteus. Same goes for millionaire thinkers, now, I don’t mean that you have to hang around a bunch of sad, wannabee posers, no that won’t do you any good. You have to find your crowd; you niche of like minded fellows and follow them. You can build each other up through collaborations and through cross promotions, while you stay motivated and encouraged to go the distance.

8. Be Grateful 
You must crawl before you walk. Success may first come in frustrating trickles before you see any real financial wealth, still be grateful. You may only have one fan or just a handful of customers at first but you are working hard so more will come.

9. Get Rid Of All Your Negativity 
There will always be emotional vampires buzzing in your ear telling you to give up, telling you that you are wasting your time, get rid of them. It may be your family or your friends telling you the exact opposite things you want and need to hear, get rid of them. Drown out the negativity and let it fuel the fire you need to succeed.

10. Stay Current 
Staying up to date and present on the ever evolving technology and fast moving trends is essential to knowing what to invest in and what avenues to pursue not just for short term success but for long term wealth.