The Art Of The Presidency

There have been many articles written about why Donald Trump is running for president. Most of them conclude he is doing so because of his ‘ego’ or his ‘need for attention’ or his ‘desire to become more famous’.

Such answers miss the point--those are the reasons other people think Donald Trump is running not what Donald Trump himself believes his motivations to be. So what are Donald Trump’s actual motivations for running for president?

I am not a mind reader, of course. I can only speculate. But speculate I will.

The Art of the Presidency...

In his stump speeches, Trump relentlessly touts his ability to make great deals, whether with foreign countries or with industry within the U.S. and abroad. In a recent Republican debate, he answered a question about the possibility of his presidency brokering a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. His eyes lit up and he explained that such an agreement would be the “Ultimate deal.”

Indeed, deals are what Donald Trump is all about. Deal-making is the lens through which he views the world. That is why some of his positions sound outrageous—they are not dictated by policy but rather by negotiation tactics. He is thinking ahead, assuming the more extreme his opening position in a negotiation, the more room he will have to maneuver.

In short, deals are what make Trump get up in the morning. But he's already mastered deal-making in the business world. He desperately needs a new challenge. And there is no bigger deal he could close than one involving the entire country. That is why Trump decided to run—he is challenging himself to see if he can translate a lifetime of branding, marketing and deal making expertise into the ultimate deal—becoming the leader of the free world.

The presidency is Trump's Everest.

But is he running just to see if he can win or does he really think he'll be able to do a good job as president?

I actually think Trump believes he can be a great president. Why? because he clearly believes deal-making, his own core-competency, is the most important skill a politician can possess.

Of course, whether the country agrees with those perceptions will only become clear in November.