Soul travel means different things to different people. Consider what this means to you and why you come to feel this way.
Some people sense soul travel is like dreaming. At different perceived periods of time, often at night, part of you floats to separate from the physical body and reconnect with identity that is not related to your physical person. This process includes rejoining the body after perceived experiences in dream worlds. Such experiences are described as out-of-body experiences (OBEs), astral travel and lucid dreaming.
In another way, soul travel is sometimes viewed as a roller coaster ride through emotions. You sense the origin of feelings and sentiments and begin to discern subtle, underlying messages. They are generated as learning tools to shift focus of mind. Soul encounters artifical happiness to transcend it.
As you raise awareness of a higher self, that inner voice with noble intentions, you access a detached perspective on your life choices. This sense of courage always knows the higher good. In this way, soul travel is also associated with reincarnation, past life regression and future life progression.
Still other people sense soul is the spiritual part of your being that is only truly set free when it is disembodied permanently from your physical self. This happens from the moment of physical death. Stories and experience teach you soul has a mind of its own and exists in formless states, like when a ghost haunts a mortal person or you sense the presence of a deceased loved one while you are alive.
Another view is that soul travel is constant, inter-dimensional and multi-sensory energy. This idea suggests every being is engaged in soul travel every moment, but that their conscious awareness is not aligned with this core truth. Awakening to realities beyond the one you are conditioned to focus on reveals the single, divine Source. Your perceived identity or soul is fragmented from the Source and always on route back to aligning with the original Source. Paths back home vary.
If soul is understood as every human being, then wherever you consciously or unconsciously perceive to travel is soul travel. By extension, wherever any part of your energy essence chooses to travel, this is also soul travel. In fact, if you sense soul-splitting consciousness, you sense you are engaged in many different journeys, on different missions right now.
You might ask, if you leave dandruff in the bathtub and that goes down the drain, is that soul travel ? If your clipped nails go out with the trash, is that soul travel ? On some level, the answer is yes. After all, part of you is going somewhere.
In essence, many levels of soul travel exist. How you view and experience soul travel relates to awareness of energy vibration and expanding consciousness. Some levels are obvious to the human mind and others remain beyond the scope of your current understanding. Be content wherever you are.