Death occurs in every family. Its one of the few predictable events we can count on. Everyone knows what its like to lose a loved one and yet, everyone may also react differently to the idea and experience of loss. Some people grieve about lost relationships. Other people aren't openly affected. They may think it marks a phase in a process of lives and celebrate their loved one is safely in another place.
Each of us are reminded that people will come and go in our lives. We also feel more connected to some people than others. We keep in more frequent contact with some people and not others. As young people get older, they tend to move out of their parents' home to forge a life of their own. Since more people are moving, fewer people live in the same geographic area of their close families. Age causes you to perceive time and relationships differently. Priorities change.
I encourage you to reflect on the connections you feel with people you have loved. Consider what you gain simply because of having known them during their brief lifetime. To gain intangibles is what leads to those immeasurable memories you aren't meant to put a price on. To reach inside and reminisce can seem timeless.