What's the common thread in your most life-changing experiences ? They are not about you. They are not personal. That may surprise you. In fact, they could involve someone else and you could be just standing in. You could even step back and live vicariously through someone else and get the message. Do you begin to sense underlying vibrations ?
Many people share stories, and stories have intrinsic meaning. Stories may also inspire , motivate or discourage others. Yet, stories mean the most to those who experience them. They're the only ones who truly understand. Their truth must be felt by them.
The common thread isn't linked to fears evoked by stories, like shaky self-worth, esteem or whether others judge. Emotions simply distract you. They want you to stay as you are, drain personal power and get wrapped up in fear-based beliefs. What prevents you from facing every challenge as it comes, with an open heart ? The absence of love.
Let's say the common thread is human beings choose to experience and learn the meaning of love. Each individual can evolve to sense there are no such thing as guarantees. Thoughts and feelings enhance our process of personal growth or further blind us from what we deny or do not choose to experience. You manipulate your own awareness.
So, what about the common thread ? Each moment you decide to gain new wisdom, build on what you think you know. This will lead you to the next plateau. Its self-perpetuating.