Dare To Be You

I dare you to be you and do things differently today and every day.

We often focus our energy and time on the big events and experiences in our lives.

We want our lives to be adventurous, our children to be happy and our relationships to last.We want to find the best career, the perfect lover or live in the coolest city.

Meanwhile, we overlook the daily practices that can bring peace, joy and comfort to our lives especially when things don’t go as we expect.

Today, I dare you to be more daring.

Check out the following small actions, habits and choices that pack a powerful punch when you practice them daily. These dares are life changing !

I dare you to be more loving.

Be kind to yourself and others. Turn on your love faucet. Train yourself to think and speak lovingly. Be generous. Give to yourself. Be of service. Give to others.

Those who have more, must give more. Set the example. Go the extra mile.

I dare you to enjoy your life.

Know what your values and priorities are. Never allow work, power or money take precedence over these. Live as if this is the best day of your life. Laugh and savor simple ordinary everyday pleasures. Life is good!

I dare you to see yourself as prosperous.

Recognize and be open to your abundance. Kathy Matta’s song “Standing Knee Deep in a River Dying of Thirst” says it all. The quickest cure for this is to go within and count your blessings. Accentuate the positive and downplay any feelings of lack.

I dare you to speak up.

Don’t expect others to read your mind. State your opinion. Take a stand. Let others know who you are and what you’re all about.

Don’t be afraid to be heard. You count. You matter and your voice is needed.

I dare you to live in the moment.

Living in the present moment creates a richness and awareness to our lives. Stay out of the past and don’t project on to your future. Everything you need is available now. Gratitude and appreciation can only exist now.

You have nothing to lose. Each time you find yourself wishing things were different put yourself in the present moment.

I dare you to surrender.

We spend our lives letting go of people, places and things that don’t serve us anymore. Letting go takes practice. It takes faith. When you release anything that is holding you back, you create a vacuum.

The universe fills it up with things that move you forward.

I dare you to delete mental garbage.

Give up your negative affirmations. “I don’t have time.” “I’m not smart enough or qualified.” “I can’t do it.” “I’m not as good as the others.” Replace the garbage with positive self-talk and affirmations.

I dare you to forgive yourself.

Let go of resentment and bitterness. Forgive your parents. Forgive everyone in-between. If you have only a smidgen of anger or a problem to let go of, you need to release it. You’re never finished with forgiveness work. Make is a daily practice.

I dare you to move beyond your fear.

Don’t be afraid to be afraid. Chase your fear. When you run toward your fear, fear takes a different route. Embrace It. Face it. Don’t fret over a setback. Instead regroup, focus and discover how strong and resilient you are. Carry on.

 I dare you to expect the best.

Drop the negative fantasies that rerun through your mind. Expect to succeed. Believe it will happen. Create a mental movie with an amazing ending. What if you believed the best is yet to come ? How would you feel and what would you do today ?

I dare you to release attack thoughts and negativity.

You can live without preference, dislike and judgment. Change your thoughts. Shift your perception. Don’t get caught up in drama of your ego or smaller self. Claim your inner peace and never let it go.

I dare you to believe in your own success.

Do what it takes to keep your vibes high and mind strong. Make no room for doubt. Feel it in every cell of your body. When you falter, get back on track. Learn to dream, think and speak about only succeeding. You are called to rise.

I dare you to take small steps.

The wisdom and knowledge you have won’t count for much until you take action. Put your goal or dream on your daily to-do-list. Do your most difficult tasks first. Take your time. Stay committed.

If you veer off course, begin again. If you make a mistake, begin again. Keep going. Keep rising. Keep practicing. Keep changing. Keep daring!