What if its possible to tune in, raise awareness, and truly listen to the signs and signals of the body in a whole new way ? What if we could shift from thinking about what's happening to allowing all emotions to flow ? Breathwork is one tool that allows us to get in touch with our true selves.
We are each responsible for our happiness. We create it, manifest it or stand in our own way for reasons only we can uncover at our own pace. We are each the architect of our reality. We choose our thoughts, our preceptions, our responses or emotional reactions to external forces. All-the-while, we each possess all the tools required to our expand consciousness, see each event from a different point of view and transform our lives.
We can shift from living unconsciously in fear to living consciously by vibrating love. At any moment, we have the power to listen closer, change how we think and feel. Reminding ourselves to follow intution can help us reframe life and death.
eHowtwo 2020