To be and love yourself is all that you can do. This is the ultimate truth. But as you’re trying hard to change your life, you might think that you have to change yourself to the core. Don’t fall into this trap. You may have to change your attitude towards life and some bad habits but remember – you are not your habits. There’s no need to be afraid to let your personality shine. The problem may lie in your ability to recognize your diverse personality traits and individuality. If this is the case, it’s paramount that you give yourself time to discover what lies beneath the mask you’ve created.
Start by differentiating this mask from your real self. You might learn more about yourself by finding clear patterns in how you wish other people to perceive you. But that concept is wrong, to begin with; you shouldn’t concern yourself with how others think of you. When you’re sure of yourself, the masks fall, and it’s the people who truly love and care for you that remain. Remember, just by being here in this world, your existence is already validated. The only acceptance you need to seek is your own.
eHowtwo 2021