
Have you ever come across someone who knew exactly what they want out of life ? Anything they say, they mean, and will quickly act on. They seem confident, eager, excited and downright passionate. You can just feel the energy. What impression did that put upon you ? Chances are you were experiencing the power of congruency.

An awesome feeling of inherent trust comes from someone who is congruent. It’s pretty obvious. Whether you know it or not, congruency is often what attracts you to another person. People want to be around people who are congruent. Customers buy from congruent salesmen. People seek friends who conduct themselves congruently in their presence. Students are inspired by congruent teachers. Women fall in love with congruent men. Congruency leads to attraction and connection…something we are all looking for.

- Here are three eHowtwo tips to be congruent -

1. If you don't want to do a certain thing, do not do it, this is not the same thing as doing what people tell you to do and then changing your mind. Its about acting from sovereignty and true power.

2. Know that being in harmony with Self is to function on nature's principles & you must listen to the heart.

3. Let go of choices and actions that are in reciprocal relationship with core being allow parts of your world to fall away that no longer resonate with core being.

eHowtwo 2021