Inner Well - Being

Inner well-being comes from the connection and harmony between our inner life and the outer world. As we live from soul, our thoughts, feelings and action naturally align. When something doesn't feel right, imbalance plays out in our lives to guide us in new directions. Assuming we must always be happy may misinterpret the laws of life. After all, true transformation involves bringing discomfort to the surface, being honest with ourselves is part of accepting and integrating everything as one. This is the path to embody wholeness. Each instance we are not open with others, tells us we are not open and honest with ourselves in ways we do not yet recognize. This process of opening the heart to cracks is necessary to guide one into the vibration of true peace and contentment.

Why is it that we tend to overlook mental-emotional afflictions ? How is it helpful to run from ourselves ? We can only do so for so long. Our emotions or instincts arise as our buttons are being pushed, causing a negative reaction instead of a positive action. It brings us face-to-face with another side of duality before going beyond. Triggers invite us to face our shadows, to let go of harmful behavioral patterns. Through the lens of life, or self-study, we can see shortcomings otherwise invisible to us. The journey inward is a way to dismantle why we react to certain people and ideas, and it helps us explore new directions. As we grow more aware of ourselves we naturally feel more comfortable expressing our true nature, we are like invisible air that takes shape through wind, moving clouds and swaying trees and then, blows away.

eHowtwo 2022