Live Your Best Life

How is life going for you ?

Is this the life that you had planned ?

Many stumble into a life that is not the life that they want to live and resign themselves forever to a life of mediocrity. Have you even started ? Many do not even bother making a determined effort to get clear on the type of life they want to live. There is an epidemic among the masses who are asleep, they have become fooled into getting in line with the sheep. If you are going to work just to make money and pay your bills then you have become a slave to the system.

What a shame it is that most people are unaware that they are living a lie. If the life you are living is not one that you are proud of, have the courage to begin again. Have the courage within you to say, this is not how my story will end. Have the courage to start a new adventure of fearlessness in the pursuit of your dreams. The system in place has a way in which it hypnotizes people into believing that it is ok to just go to work to pay your bills and spend your entire life chasing things that will not mean much in the end. Awaken within yourself and shed the skin of mediocrity and reveal your true self.

The one you want to truly be lay hidden behind the lies and fears of the world. We come into this world as fearless beings who have greatness instilled within us, but it seems that life has a way of dampening our spirits and turns us into ‘normal people’, being normal is a crime to oneself, and the coward’s way of living.

Begin again, let this day be day one of a new journey, the journey on the path of greatness, to a life of service, love, abundance, and prosperity. Life should be lived in a way that we impact millions of people with our gifts and talents, each person has the potential within them to make the world a better place, should we not take it upon ourselves to help others if we are capable of doing so ? Move away from this selfish living of just thinking about your own needs, start living for humanity, for the people, for the ones who have no one inspire them and tell them that they too have greatness within them.

It does not matter about the life that you lived yesterday, you can start over, you can impact millions of people, you can be the one you want to be, and you can live your dreams. Have the courage to begin again if you find that you are not happy with the life that you are living. Many people make the mistake of repeating the loser’s story within their mind, they sell themselves short by repeating to themselves that they are their past mistakes, failures, disappointments, and grades, and to top it off they are so easily swayed by the opinions of others who tell them what they can or can’t accomplish and they accept those peoples definition of them (Major Key* – Move away & eliminate negative life restricting people from your life – negativity is contagious, believe me, I know, I have experienced it).

You have to start telling yourself a new story within your mind, one where you are the champion, the hero, the winner, one in which you are living a life of abundance in all areas of your life. Keep on visualizing the dream life that you want to live and keep on repeating to yourself ‘I am living my dreams’. Exterminate the old thoughts that hold you back to the life that you don’t want to live, use your thoughts to elevate your life to a greater level not confine you. Always have action at the forefront of your mind. Action is the key that turns your dreams into reality. Daily action on the right tasks will take you wherever you are determined to go. Action is what makes all the difference between who you want to be and who you become. Your daily actions determine the life that you live.


Please share your thoughts, I would love to hear them, and share this blog with others so that they too can Expand and inspire there life and mind. Have a great day !

eHowtwo 2023