Live In The Service Of Others

Live in the service of others and help to make a positive impact on the world, people assume they should just concern themselves with their own lives earning their wage, living without contributing to making the world a better place, we are all one people, some have been given more, and some have less, so the ones who have an opportunity to help others should take the opportunity to make a difference.

If you see someone around you, a family member or friend who is struggling in life, try to help them, one piece of advice can change the direction of someone's life and change their path and take them to greater heights. Never look down upon people who are not where they can be, we all have been at the bottom, advice is better than insults.

We all have been given gifts that we must utilise to create a better world, leave the world a better place then you found it, you have something special within you to offer the world. It is easy to just live the 9-5 life, but to live in the service of others is true greatness, to touch people's lives in a positive way so that they don’t have to struggle in life, we are all capable of helping others to improve their quality of life.

Don’t start a business to just make money, start a business to make a difference that will change the world, be a game changer and be bold, there are thousands of companies that are solely focused on just accumulating the most wealth, be different and do something that will elevate you up with the some of the greats such as Tony Robbins, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela. Start a business based on the vision of helping people and the money will follow, the priority is goodness, do good and good will come to you in abundance.

Start small, think big, work hard and never give up. Get up and go out there and change the lives of millions of people. Believe in yourself you can do anything, one person can change the world for the better if they are determined to do so.

Find a higher purpose and live a life of meaning.

So I say to you, what are you going to do to make the world a better place.

eHowtwo 2023