Rendez Vous

 A popular question that arises is how to catch up with destiny. Many people admit they view destiny as a kind of carrot at the end of a fishing line they feel they are often chasing. Although life purpose may change at different life stages, destiny is viewed as your unique and ultimate reason for being. Does this confuse you ? You may be asking what you need to do, where to go, to feel at ease or in harmony with yourself. Reflect on the tips below to rendez vous with your destiny.

-Recognize your comfort zone-
This entails recognizing your comfort zone in different areas of your life and how this limits you.  In general, the more rigid your (or your kids) schedule, the more comfort zones you have created. If you are caring for other people, (i.e., relations, pets or friends), the more jam-packed their routine, the more you fear letting go of control, the more you fear spontaneity, fear being incapable of creating something new, lasting and enriching in your life or feel uncomfortable stepping into the unfamiliar. Conscious awareness of why you do things greatly empowers you.

-Find the courage to heal-
Comfort zones do not just happen.  They are a symptom of repressed, suppressed negative emotions, unhealed pain and mental suffering. Finding courage to heal implies the willingness to grow aware of unconscious triggers and habits, how you numb out or shift focus from the root cause. This involves exploring character traits, possible co-dependence, self-sabotage and fear-based action which blocks intimacy, true connection, personal & professional fulfillment. 

-Stretch yourself-
Watch what unfolds as you envision yourself beyond your current circumstances. Depending on your readiness, this could mean taking up a course or training, shifting into a new vocation, moving away from a familiar home or entourage. Every instance you do something differently, even taking a new route to work, choosing to wear more comfortable shoes, or openly confiding intimate details of your life without fear of vulnerability, you are tasting more of your destiny. 

-Adopt an optimistic attitude-
The moment is ripe to see how you function with an optimistic attitude. Listen to your thoughts and words more closely. How often do you hear yourself saying, "this is not possible because..." or "the time is not right because...?" Be aware of how often you talk yourself out of what you want, what feels right or do not even allow yourself to explore possibilities. Who is really in charge here? Being optimistic is part of the process of reclaiming personal power you gave away.

-Stop acting to appease others-
Whether or not its obvious to you at this stage, you are not always acting based on your own heart-felt desires and dreams. Self-acceptance does not depend on the nature and intensity of your fitness practices or the amount of what you accomplish in the eyes of family or mentors and role models you admire. As you recognize and stop unconscious behaviors that arise to appease others, you move into that place where you do things you only used to speak or dream about.   

-Tap into unused potential-
Imagine the possibility you only use a fraction of your innate intelligence, wisdom and resources. Remind yourself the moment is ripe to access diverse skills and abilities that you habitually fail to see and use. Know and accept that within you are powers that facilitate everything imaginable you could become. 

-Set new goals-
Watch what happens as you give up complacency in favor of extending your wings more fully, of raising the bar for yourself. Imagine what it feels like to blossom beyond self-created boundaries. Set new goals that draw out the best in you. Work toward those things that enable you to develop a sense of mastery and peak performance.  

-Imagine no limitations-
Take a few moments to imagine you have no limitations in terms of money, no time constraints, health issues, no obstacles to contacts, experience, knowledge or education. That is, imagine whatever you write is possible for you, provided you want it genuinely and are willing to make whatever efforts and sacrifices are necessary.

-Build unshakable self-confidence-
It may surprise you but the mere act of writing dreams on paper takes a concept to the next level while building your self-confidence. Focusing physical and mental energy on specific ideas gives them life. The process of adding detail and taking steps to realize it generates a greater sense of personal power and ability.

-Achieve peak performance-
Achieving peak performance happens as you clarify goals, challenge and revise your own standards, invite feedback, do not take things personally, give yourself heart and soul to what enables you to feel harmony within yourself. This may seem like a big ask or a tall order. Yet, it happens naturally when you are in a state of flow because you function with extraordinary energy and clarity. Everything comes together. Uncover what you are uniquely qualified to do and be and align with self-respect, integrity and create connection and impact and make a huge difference without effort. 

eHowtwo 2018