With perfect timing, you lift the curtains, unveil as of yet undiscovered worlds of mystery and magic. To feel seen like you’ve never felt seen before, simply see yourself as the clear and boundless sky. See through the clouds to trust and appreciate your rainbow being. Acknowledge the core value of your own efforts as the trust source of happiness, not another judgement or any external recognition. Know all that is good is what you are. As you shed light on your shadows, darkness is suddenly a gift you give yourself to grow into unity. On some level, we each embrace, and love ourselves to revive and decode self-created illusions. Shift to function in ways your soul understands. There is suddenly no place to hide. As you are open and see everything in transparency, you love yourself with a depth and presence that pure being has only ever known. You resonate with the sun, storms, rainbows emerging from rain, shapeshifting into stars, distant galaxies and every path in between. As the mind begins to quiet down, we open ourselves to a miraculous unfolding. Radiate true being. rediscover love in a whole new way.
eHowtwo 2022