Free State Of Mind

When the day drifts to evening, does the day make it difficult for the night to enter ? No. Because the day knows it has to do what it must to facilitate a transition phase; because if it doesn’t, the cycle gets thrown off. Sometimes we make it hard for maturing to take place in a new season instead of doing what we have to do. More often than not, subconsciously, we already know what isn’t meant to be in our lives and what is. The answers are inside of us. Our unstable emotions can keep us from regulating a particular situation.

There are proper ways of letting go. In the same way, we lift heavy objects with the correct form so we can get stronger and not hurt ourselves. The more repetitions we put in when throwing away the garbage from our lives, the more efficient we get at it. Muscle memory of the mind. When we blow the pollen off a dandelion and watch the seeds disperse into the air is the same way we can tell ourselves we don’t have to continue thinking a certain way anymore, scattering our concerns into the winds.

Most of the complicatedness life throws at us originates from simplistic roots. When we pull out the roots and find the source of why we allow the fungus that drains us of joy to grow on us, we awaken to a brand new rationale to walk with a free state of mind. Acknowledging reality as it changes around us matures our perception and preconceived notions that we’re meant to break and open a new world. Like a grey coloring book absent of colors, letting go is to change the world inside, pouring out our originality of tones and layers as we learn to exist in the world outside as free human beings.

eHowtwo 2023